How does self-expression help you heal from abuse?

If you’re an adult abuse survivor, you have probably found a way to take care of people, through career or codependent relationships. You’re probably used to putting everyone else’s needs before your own. You’re not used to doing anything for yourself. Keeping busy with other people’s lives is a procrastination tool that keeps you from having to work on your own issues. In taking care of others or keeping busy doing things that don’t bring us heartfelt joy, we don’t allow ourselves the time to do the things we enjoy doing for ourselves.

When you start to make your happiness and health a priority, you give yourself permission to do other things, like speaking up and using your voice. That leads to setting boundaries because you’ll learn it’s okay to say No to what you don’t want, and it leads to saying Yes to those things you do want. It leads to giving yourself permission to do what you love.

When we do what we love, we give our soul permission to speak through creative actions and unique mind. Creative expression uproots long buried resentments, anger, frustration, hurts, bitterness, and other unhealthy static emotions. When we bring these terrible, buried feelings up to the surface, we can wash them away and let go of them—ridding ourselves of our self-imposed limitations. We can start living from a place of honesty, trust, and fulfillment.

Whatever dream or accomplishment we strive for, we’re in a better place when voicing our thoughts and feelings through creative self-expression. We can transform ourselves and our lives into something wondrous when we give ourselves permission to do what we love.

Creative self-expression.

It’s what happens when you remove self-imposed roadblocks to happiness. Your inner most passion comes to life. You’ve always been worth the time, energy, effort and money it takes to find joy and meaning in your life, even if you have only recently started embracing this idea. If something you love fills your soul, throw guilt out the window. As long as you’re not doing harm to anyone or yourself, the sky is the limit on what you can do and accomplish! When something is important to us, we somehow manage to find the time to do it. You are important enough to do all the things you love that bring joy, fulfillment and a sense of accomplishment to your life.


You Are Unique

Your unique energy thumbprint lies in your natural talent—it’s who you are!

What is Creative Self-Expression?

It’s an activity you do only for yourself that gives your heart wings—painting, dancing, singing, writing, playing an instrument, climbing, drawing, carving, sculpting, crafting, building, inventing, swimming, photographing, inventing, acting, riding, designing, cooking, sewing—something that can make you forget time because of the joy it brings. it is fun even when you have to work at it, not because it’s a job or someone else expects it of you or because it’s afforable or because it will make money. It’s an activity that helps you say Yes to the desires within. It’s something that makes you feel happier and better about yourself. When a person finds a way to express themselves that brings joy and a sense of inner freedom, they have usually found their passion. And later, if you choose, a passion can eventually turn into a meaningful source of income.

How to discover your passion?

Reimagine childhood dreams.

What did you always want to do since you were a child? What was your secret passion that you dare not share with anyone? What one thing has occupied your daydreams? Don’t worry what other people think about it! Write a list of things you’re good at and what you’d do if you could get paid for it. Is there any particular interest that overlaps both lists?

Try something new.

Even if it sounds like a silly idea, if it interests you, it’s worth trying. If it doesn’t work out, don’t stop exploring—just try something else. Don’t make excuses. When we really want something, we make time and energy for it. Read a book or research online and learn how to do what interests you. Asks an expert to teach you. Use your imagination to find ways to discover your passion!

Join a group.

There is safety in numbers. Maybe you’d rather try something with others who are also getting their feet wet. Find groups doing what interests you online through social media, or just ask around. Join a class and take lessons. Some businesses post announcements in their stores. Whatever interests you is worth researching and experiencing!

Avoidance versus Staying Busy

Staying busy to avoid working on important personal issues or to avoid confronting feelings that just don’t feel good, won’t help us find real joy and satisfaction. Avoidance is turning away from exploring the effects of any type of abuse on your life. Avoidance keeps us rooted in the same thing, controlled by others or circumstances rather than experiencing something different. Often times the unknown is frightening, it makes us feel powerless, so we choose to listen to fear and do nothing.

Choose to take proactive steps to creating something better. Staying focused on things we enjoy doing keeps us relaxed, happy, and strengthens us within. Keeping busy in positive endeavors keeps worry at bay and prevents us from participating in old coping methods that no longer serve us. Wanting to change your circumstances will lead to sound healing.

Do it for yourself and no one else.

Don’t do anything to prove yourself to others. “What other people think about me is none of my business.” Don’t do it for money or prestige, for approval or acceptance. Do what you love because you love it and it brings you joy! You deserve this!