The effects of sexual abuse overlap those of other types—physical and emotional—as well as mimicking signs of addictive behavior. There are many effects that one can experience, yet a person may not realize their behavior is a result of childhood abuse until well into adulthood.

Click here to receive your free copy of the Long Term Effects of Sexual Abuse from Carole Avila.

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Change is good!

Embrace it, open your arms to the unknown and feel the excitement of something new! Say yes to better.

Any one can change their behavior.

Changing behavior is simply doing something a different way to get a healthier result. Sometimes it’s harder than others. The longer you’ve been smoking or attracting drama or taking on the role of bully or victim, it may require more effort to quit your old method of behavior. But practicing positive reactions and responses will eliminate the need for coping strategies because they will no longer serve you. Self-love & Self-Esteem, Self-Image & Self-Awareness will overshadow your desire to stay rooted in the same place.

From spending money to suicidal thoughts, your behavior is a normal reaction to poor treatment.

Coping methods are simply forms of behavior that we learned and adapted to help us get through life, through situations that normally involve interaction with other people or situations that made us feel uncomfortable and unhappy.

You are not defined by your behavior. You did what you had to survive and now you can choose better.

In order to survive, we did or said things because in the past that used to work, and our mind still believes the same old words or actions will keep helping us, even though they don’t. It’s a relief to know that behavior can always be changed.


One of the best ways next to self-expression to grow out of old behavior patterns is to speak up! We hold the burden of our stories and the weight of our pain in our silence. Silence carries the burden of our shame. When you look at all the detrimental effects abuse has had on your life, use your voice and shout out, “Enough!” It doesn’t matter if others agree with your truth or not. You know your truth and what happened to you. Express yourself through whatever positive medium brings you joy and a change of heart, but always speak up and champion yourself. As your behavior changes for the better, you will see the new you and experience the new world you have chosen to create.

Contact Carole Avila for a free list of the long term effects of sexual abuse.

It’s a long list—and a disturbing one. Sexual abuse forced you to create coping methods in order to help you live day to day as if you hadn’t suffered trauma. These effects weren’t usually healthy and caused more harm to your self-esteem and self-image than you realized, but you did what you felt necessary to survive. Once you realize what is healthy or unhealthy behavior, you can change those behaviors that are no longer beneficial to your life, which don’t help your life move forward in personal growth and prosperity. Contact Carole Avila to see what effects sexual abuse may have had in your life. Learn how she and her clients have turned in their unfulfilling and choices for authentic and healthy behavior.